If you had said to me ten years ago that I'd be in Wizard Magazine, I woulda laughed in your face and told you you don't know anything about the comics. Why would a big super-hero magazine care about what I'm doing? Well... I would have been wrong.
There's a nice little "Spotlight" feature about my upcoming book The Wolf in issue #213 (which hit the news stands and comic shops today). Sean Collins interviewed me and Aaron Turner about the project and our "Bromance."
Click image to read it:
I'm really glad to see Wizard has been including a lot more indie comics coverage recently.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
The Wolf and The Wizard!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I've just added a few new things to my online store.
You can now order these items direct from me:
Your Disease Spread Quick
Brilliantly Ham-fisted
Skinwalker Letterpress Print
I've lowered the prices on all of my other prints.
Please e-mail me for wholesale orders, or contact Tony Shenton.
AND: I've added a section to the links on the left side of this blog for stores that usually carry my books. More links will be added soon. If you see one of your local stores on the list, please support them. It's tough to run a small business these days, and comic shops are a very special place where awkward young kids can lose themselves in their imaginations and maybe even grow up to be a cartoonist like me!
I'd hate to see any of these portals close up due to this depression.
(If you carry my books, but don't see a link, please let me know)
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Buy my Kitty Pryde on Ebay!
Hey Everybody- Go bid on the original artwork (seen above) for my Kitty Pryde poster for the Full of Pryde show at Floating World Comics. The artwork is being auctioned for charity.
The posters can also be purchased for $5 at Floating World Comics.
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
I'm all over the place this weekend...
Three things happening this weekend that I will be a part of...
For those of you in L.A., there is a group show at GR2 called Free To A Good Home 2: DOGS! Along with artwork by great artists and cartoonists like Andrice Arp, Jeffrey Brown, Shawn Cheng, David King, Kiyoshi Nakazawa, John Pham, Aaron Renier, Daria Tessler, Steve Weissman (and many, many more), there will be dogs from local animal shelters available for adoption! So get some new art and a new pet at the same time. Here's my painting for the show:
Floating World Comics in Portland, OR, is having a benefit art show and auction for the hemophilia research center of OHSU. The theme of the show is the X-men character Kitty Pryde. I made a Nancy-esque comic strip based on the X-men #143 comic. You can get posters of artwork from all the different artists for $5. And the original artwork will be auctioned off. Here's my Kitty Pryde:
You can see other artists' Kitty Prydes at this blog.
And finally, I'll be in Toronto this weekend...
I'm exhibiting with my friends Sparkplug Comic Books at the Toronto Comic Arts Festival. I'll have all my books and maybe some prints for sale, too. If you're in or near Toronto come check it out. (that's me at the Sparkplug table at TCAF 2007)
Monday, May 04, 2009
The National Post is doing a series of interviews with cartoonists who will be a part of the 2009 Toronto Comic Arts Festival. Here's my interview.
I also have to highlight an answer from Shannon O'Leary in her interview because I love her answer:
Q: Who are your cartooning heroes and have you ever met them? If so, did you remain calm?
A: We ARE cartoon heroes and are calm in the face of imminent peril generally.
Review with Sandwiches?
El Borrón, the Spanish version of The Blot, keeps getting good reviews and I keep using Google translator which yields some funny results. This one reviews me along with a few other books. Here's the broken translation:
La Cúpula is also the first who published a graphic novel of the Texan Tom Neely, a bold proposal entitled 'El Borrón' that runs between the everyday and the surreal experience. The various chapters are the emergence of a black stain that spilled on the person and life of the protagonist as a powerful metaphor that reflects the evolution of their fears, their emotional problems or communication and the search for an identity.
Neely exhibited a very fine line drawing characters to highly stylized design, which even in its distortion of the expression kinetics and intent. The story contains just a dozen sandwiches succinct text long its more than 180 pages, all made by the couple's female protagonist. There are no more words, with the exception of onomatopoeia in this long and harrowing story whose development depends entirely on the image. Thus the author uses with skill and originality all visual resources at its disposal to realize when a plot rife with symbols that clearly calls for the active participation of the reader.
I had no idea there were a dozen sandwiches in my book!
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Please don't kill yourself...
A nice little review of Brilliantly Ham-fisted from Inkstuds. I don't think the book is all that depressing or suicide-inducing, but it's a nice review anyway:
I really like Tom Neely’s work and was happy to get his little collection, Brilliantly Ham-Fisted. It’s a depressingly charming collection of Tom doing his best try at a four panel strip. I somehow doubt that Tom would ever get a daily syndicated strip, unless people felt like killing themselves when they first read the paper in the morning. The work in this is beautiful and full of an odd type of empty life. Tom can seem to exact onto a desperate need to find an end to a loneliness. It doesn’t feel pretentious and full of itself, but instead, the strips are nice poetic contemplation, that slows down the pace nicely. Oh and it doesn’t hurt that Tom is a master cartoonist that is really hitting his stride right now.
I should have these available for sale in my store by the end of the month.