I'm giving 2 lectures and an interview this month!?!?
First- I'll be interviewed for the
Second- I'll be giving a gallery talk at the University of Tulsa's Alexander Hogue Gallery before the opening of my show next week. The talk is on October 6th at 4 pm. The opening follows from 5-7 pm.
Third- One of my professors from the
So... now I have to figure out what the hell to say.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
shows, interviews, lectures... YIKES!
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
I finally figured out how to add links to the sidebar of this blog. It's still in progress, and I'll be adding more of my friends and sites of interest as I think of them. Please check out all my friends' stuff.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Ottawa Report!
I'm back from the
It was a helluva week. I saw a lot of amazing animated films and met a lot of really cool people. It was scary and nerve racking to see my cartoon on a big screen, and left me feeling a bit humbled. But I feel inspired and determined to learn more about animation to make my own films better. Anyway... here are my thoughts on some of the highlights of the festival... Warning- I'm not really a good writer, just giving a sortofa book-report on what i saw.
Let's start with the Feature film category...
It was a big disappointment that all three of these films were really really bad. I think they should not have given out an award for Best Feature this year. If I had to choose one, I would’ve given the award to the Estonian film,
The judges decided to give the Best Feature award to
Now on to the stuff I liked… I liked most of what I saw. It was a really strong festival overall with a huge range of styles and talents. I left feeling really happy and inspired at all the amazing stuff being made in the animation world.
Now onto my own category- Music Videos. I didn’t win, and I didn’t expect to. I feel so lucky to have had the chance to show
The New Media category was of a much higher calibur than last year (in '04, my cartoon
One of the biggest surprises for me, this year, was the experimental, abstract films. Normally I’m not a fan of experimental, abstract films, but this year surprised me with several stand-outs. Curse of the Voodoo Child by Steven Woloshen,
The most hilarious film has to be Bob Log III’s Electric Fence Story by Sebastian Wolf and Tinka Stock- what can I say about this? Apparently Bob Log III is a real person who has a lot of hilarious tales of drunken mishaps. This one, about a failed attempt at cow-tipping, was made into a short stop-motion animated film.
And the unintentionally hilarious
Top favorites:
Chestnuts Icelolly by J. J. Villard- there’s just something about this punk-rock animator that’s just perfect in my opinion. I really can’t describe what it is about his films, but they’re just perfect in every way. Raw. Angry. Funny. Ugly. Beautiful…
Meaning of Life by
Biggest Disappointment: The Moon and the Son by
And on that note, I’d like to turn to my absolute favorite of the festival. Which actually is an immature, amateur student film. But it’s just so perfect and wonderful… It’s not the best made film, and it really doesn’t have that much animation in it. But it really struck a chord in me. Bow-Tie Duty for Squareheads by Stephen-Flint Muller reminded me of the kinds of films my friends and i made when we were bored on a Sunday afternoon and decided to wander around town with a video camera… but we weren’t nearly as ingenious as these kids. These kids inventively poke fun at billboards, signs, buildings, streelights, and whatever else they see around town. I don’t really know how to describe it, but it’s one of the most genuinely charming, hilarious and heart-warming films I can ever remember. I could watch it over and over again and always find something new to love about it. If I could only choose one of the many amazing films I saw last week, and make everyone in the world watch it, it would be this one.
There were many other enjoyable films I'd recommend to everyone, including:
I could write more about all these films, but this post is getting long already... so I'll wrap this up...
So, to end this, I wanted to give a HUGE thanks to Chris Robinson and everyone else who work to organize the festival. And a big thanks for accepting my film and giving me the opportunity to come up there, see it on a big screen, and spend a whole week watching awesome cartoons. I also wanna thank all the cool people I met and hung out with all week-
Saturday, September 17, 2005
iwillestroyyou.com updated!
I finally got around to updating
several areas of my website.
1) The animation section is now up
2) New illustrations added to the
magazine and album cover sections
3) New paintings added to the
2005 art gallery in the art section
i hope to have the comics section up
within a couple of weeks.
Saturday, September 03, 2005
art for disaster relief...
I'm horified by what's happening in the country right now.
Many artists are organizing there efforts
to make art for disaster relief.
Basically, you buy a piece of art,
and the money gets donated to a disaster relief fund.
check out these links:
Thursday, September 01, 2005
I'm getting ready for my show in October.
The University of Tulsa (where I got my BFA)
has asked me to have a show in their gallery.
Half of the show will be paintings
and half of the show will be comics.
Should be interesting to see how
it is received in OK.
Opening October 6, 2005
@ The Hogue Gallery
University of Tulsa Art Dept.
2935 E 5th Street
Tulsa, OK 74104
The show runs through Oct 28th.
Animation World Network!
I was interviewed by Joe Strike for
his article "Animating to Memorable Music Videos"
Among all the others featured,
he asked me all about my video for The Muffs.