Yes, it was really great. Just what I needed- get out of town (and away from all my troubles), see lots of friends, hang out in one of my favorite cities, and get lots of great new comics.
Here's what I got:
What else... Sold out of all the copies of "tuesday." that I brought with me. Got to hang out with all my
I added some new links to my sidebar: Zak Saly and his publishing front La Mano, Daria Tessler's Animal Sleep Stories website, and Tom Gauld. All of whom should be checked out by everyone. They are great!
Here's a picture Alvin Bueneventura took of me at APE
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
A.P.E. was great!
Monday, April 03, 2006
A.P.E. this weekend!
I'm headin' to me old stompin' ground of San Francisco this week. This weekend is my favorite comic convention of the year:
Once again, I'll be sharing space with my pals at
What I'll have with me... The West-Coast debut of my latest comic "tuesday." A 26 page black & white comic about a man terrorized by a mysterious ink blot.
The newly pressed 3rd printing of Henry & Glenn 4-Ever by Igloo Tornado (Igloo Tornado is the artist collective that consists of Me, Levon Jihanian, Gin Stevens, and Scot Nobles). A 16 page black & white comic that presupposes a domestic relationship between Henry Rollins and Glenn Danzig. Igloo Tornado Gocco Postcards- designed and printed by
Igloo Tornado T-shirts in stylish olive green for boys and hot-pink for the ladies! Designed by Me and Scot Nobles.
And at
I will also have some of my older comics with me, and possibly some original art for sale.
Also this week: Brett Reichman, my favorite painting teacher from the San Francisco Art Institute (where I got my MFA), has a show at
And Friday night- check out some of my friends at
So, come out to see me this week at the A.P.E., check out my new comics, and help me mend my broken heart (that's right ladies- I'm single again). I no longer have the easy-to-spot blue hair- just look for the guy with these on his arms: